Kaleidoscope open to all

On Saturday and Sunday, we offered a lively programme of workshops, games and staged readings for families and children. 

Our visitors were able to imagine and build Cities out of the box, listen to and participate in staged readings about the Way between the houses, test the limits of space with Virtual Reality and play a Game of the glory of giant architecture. This game consisted of three boards, a circle, a pentagon and a square. It offered many unexpected twists to its participants, who were simultaneously able to learn about architecture. 

On the whole weekend, a series of guided visits to the spaces and exhibitions took place, some of which were conducted by the respective commissioners, other by guest personalities, such as architects Inês Moreira and Guilherme Machado Vaz (author of the restoration project for Real Vinícola), or historian Joel Cleto; other were conducted by monitors from the Educational Service. 

Wanting to continue to create conditions so that everyone – deaf, blind, people with reduced mobility, etc. – could benefit from our programmes, the two visits to Real Vinícola, Saturday at 11 am and Sunday at 3 pm, guided by architect Guilherme Machado Vaz, were adequate for the blind and deaf (with sign language interpreter), respectively.

  • Casa da Arquitectura's opening © Ivo Tavares

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