Casa da Arquitectura Outside – Internationalisation of the Portuguese Centre and its Architecture

The information and communication of the co-funded projects by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) in the period
of 2014-2020, called Portugal 2020, intends to inform citizens about the European Union (UE) role in the support to economical and social development of our country, as well as the reduction of regional assymetries, ensuring the diffusion of the projects and their results, as well the transparency on the fundings. 

Start date
1 february 2021

Conclusion date
31 january 2023

Total operation cost
762 872,73€

Support from European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
648 441,82€

Casa da Arquitectura

© Ivo Tavares

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Institucional Partner

Portuguese contemporary art network

Portuguese contemporary art network



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