Casa da Arquitectura launches 10 PhD scholarships with FCT support
Casa da Arquitectura – Portuguese Centre for Architecture opens a competition for the award of 10 (ten) research scholarships, hereinafter referred to as Research Scholarships for PhD, in the field of Architecture, Urbanism, Territory, with a special focus on the institution's archives, legacies, and collections and content related to the history of architecture, construction technology, sustainability, and energy efficiency, under the Regulation of Research Scholarships of FCT (RBI) and the Research Scholar Statute (EBI).
Opening Notice for Research Scholaships
The scholarships will be funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the Collaboration Protocol for Financing the Multiannual Plan of Research Scholarships for Doctoral Students, concluded between FCT and Casa da Arquitectura – Centro Português de Arquitectura.
The competition is open from the 3rd of March 2025, until 23:59 on the 2nd of May 2025 (Lisbon time).
Applications and the supporting documents provided for in this PhD must be submitted by email, sent to [email protected].
Each candidate may submit only one application, under penalty of cancellation of all submitted applications.
The provision of false declarations or acts of plagiarism by candidates is grounds for cancellation of the application without prejudice to the adoption of other sanctioning measures.
The doctoral research scholarships are intended to finance the research activities leading to the obtaining of the academic degree of doctorate in Portuguese universities, in accredited doctoral programmes in the scientific areas related to the topics described in this Notice.
The research activities leading to the obtaining of the academic PhD degree can take place at the host institution, at Casa da Arquitectura – Centro Português de Arquitectura, at R&D Units and entities proposed by the candidates.
The Call for Proposals is compulsory reading.
Opening Notice for Research Scholaships