2nd Education for Architecture Meeting at the Casa da Arquitectura

The 2nd Education through Architecture Meeting will take place on 16 June at the Casa da Arquitectura, one of the pioneering entities to integrate the EPA: Education through Architecture network.

The meeting, on this second edition, counts with the participation of Casa da Arquitectura, Plano Nacional das Artes, Ordem dos Arquitetos, APEI, OSMOPE, FAUP, ArkiPlay and international guests from RIBA Learning, Thornton Education Trust and Newcastle University.

The EPA: Education through Architecture network aims to create a national database of educational actors, research, play materials, participatory projects, training actions in architecture, among others.

The network serves as a means of disseminating projects, research, events, courses, conferences, debates, publications, participatory actions, educational actions, etc., around education in architecture to schools and the general public. A tool that connects projects and people at a national level so that we can learn and create more and better educational practices through architecture.

The National Arts Plan allows the event to be broadcasted online, through the youtube channel of the DGEstE - Ministry of Education: www.youtube.com/@DGEstEMinisteriodaEducacao/streams

Full programme and registration: https://educacaopelaarquitetura.com/

Participation in person subject to registration.
  • 2nd Education for Architecture Meeting at the Casa da Arquitectura

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