Dedicated exhibitions to Paulo Mendes da Rocha open in May

This is Paulo Mendes da Rocha's year at the Casa da Arquitectura. On May 26, two exhibitions dedicated to the Brazilian Pritzker open to the public.

They are:
- "Constructed Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha" curated by Jean-Louis Cohen and Vanessa Grossman and exhibition project by Eduardo Souto de Moura and Nuno Graça Moura, in the Exhibition Hall.

- "Paulo: Beyond Drawing" curated by Rui Furtado and Marta Moreira and designed by Ricardo Bak Gordon, in the Casa's Gallery.

Spanning seven decades of activity, the immense work of Paulo Mendes da Rocha will be revealed in the Exhibition "Built Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha" with an unprecedented breadth drawn from the immense collection delivered to the Casa da Arquitectura.

Entitled "Paulo", the exhibition that will occupy the Casa's Gallery offers visitors the opportunity to have a more intimate experience with the Brazilian architect, allowing them to hear his vision of the world and his reflections on so many themes that occupied him and that ultimately explain his work.

In parallel to these two exhibitions, there will be a program of activities curated by architect Nuno Sampaio, CA's Executive Director and Commissioner-General, architect Catherine Otondo and architect and historian Vanessa Grossman. This wide-ranging parallel program will include debates, conferences, and site visits, and is intended to be a great celebration of architecture and of the work and person of Paulo Mendes da Rocha.

"This will be a major achievement of Casa da Arquitectura to celebrate the person and the universal work of Paulo Mendes da Rocha, his ethical, aesthetic and technical principles throughout the world, and which will make these exhibitions in Matosinhos a must-see for those who love architecture and particularly the work of Paulo Mendes da Rocha," highlights the Executive Director, Nuno Sampaio.
The 2006 Pritzker Prize winner, who was the first honorary member of Casa da Arquitectura in September 2018 and the most recent recipient of the gold medal of the Congress of the UIA - International Union of Architects, passed away on May 23, 2021.
  • Paulo Mendes da Rocha Photograph Maria Isabel Villac

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