Paulo Mendes da Rocha: new exhibitions open on a weekend of celebration

The opening of two new exhibitions dedicated to the work and person of Brazilian architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha at the Casa da Arquitectura on 26, 27 and 28 May is the reason for a weekend of open doors and programming for all ages.

“Constructed Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha", curated by Jean-Louis Cohen and Vanessa Grossman, with scientific consultancy by Catherine Otondo and exhibition design by Eduardo Souto de Moura and Nuno Graça Moura, will open at the Exhibition Hall. The show spans seven decades of the Brazilian Pritzker's professional career and is organised around 12 core works.
The Casa Gallery offers a view of the Brazilian architect that goes beyond his professional career. "Paulo Mendes da Rocha: Beyond Drawing" aims to make known the thinking behind the work he did, "the projects he proposed and the conception of the world he fought for", write the curators. Curated by Marta Moreira and Rui Furtado, the exhibition is designed by Ricardo Bak Gordon.

On Friday, 26, the doors open at 8 pm for a music-filled evening. With free admission, the concert "Brazilian Music, Portuguese Musicians" will reproduce the show that premiered at Casa da Arquitectura in April 2019 as part of the Parallel Programme of the exhibition "Infinito Vão - 90 Years of Brazilian Architecture".
The concert brings together the Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos, conducted by Pedro Guedes, curated by the renowned Brazilian musicologist, Zuza Homem de Mello major figure of jazz in Brazil, musicologist, journalist, broadcaster and music producer and central figure of this programme, who died in October 2020. Zuza Homem de Mello, to whom we pay a nostalgic tribute, chose five different top arrangers to write specific arrangements for twelve Brazilian themes.

On Saturday 27, the highlight will be the pre-launch of the catalogue of the exhibition "Constructed Geographies", by curators Jean-Louis Cohen, Vanessa Grossman and columnist Angelo Bucci.
This is followed by a Conversation dedicated to the theme "Universal and Local in the work of Paulo Mendes da Rocha", which brings together André Corrêa do Lago, Guilherme Wisnik, Sandra Barclay and Solano Benítez, moderated by Catherine Otondo and Nuno Sampaio.
The day ends with the "Samba na Casa" Party which will have paid but free access to the Conversa audience.

Sunday morning offers unique opportunities to get to know the exhibitions with guidance from the respective curators, starting at 11 am.
The Casa da Arquitectura Education Service has created and offers workshops for children and families on Saturday and Sunday. The weekend ends with a typical Roda de Capoeira.

Entry to the events is free, with the exception of the "Samba na Casa" Party.

See the programme in detail:

26 May, Friday

8 pm
Opening to the public*

*Animation of the block with street food

9:30 pm
Concert "Brazilian Music, Portuguese Musicians" by Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos

Presentation and opening of the exhibitions
"Constructed Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha" at the Exhibition Hall;
"Paulo: Beyond Drawing" at the Casa Gallery.

27 May, Saturday
Free entry to the exhibitions

2 pm - 6 pm
"Imagined Geographies” Workshop for children and family

3 pm
Pre-launch of the catalogue "Constructed Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha" with Jean-Louis Cohen, Vanessa Grossman and Angelo Bucci.

4 pm
Talk "Universal and Local in the work of Paulo Mendes da Rocha", with André Corrêa do Lago, Guilherme Wisnik, Sandra Barclay and Solano Beníte. Catherine Otondo and Nuno Sampaio in moderation.

6:30 pm
Party “Samba at Casa”**

28 May, Sunday

10 am - 1 pm
"Imagined Geographies” Workshop for children and family

11 am
Guided tours to the exhibitions by the curators.

3 pm

Roda de Capoeira.

**The entrance is paid. Free access only to the audience of the Talk.

  • Paulo Mendes da Rocha: new exhibitions open on a weekend of celebration

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