Unbuilt Matosinhos Photography Roadmap

The Photography Roadmap Matosinhos Unbuilt aims to offer architecture and photography lovers a unique opportunity to get to know a set of reference works in Matosinhos in a privileged way, while benefiting from the practical guidance of a photographer and lecturer from the Portuguese Institute of Photography (IPF).

Based on the exhibition [From the Archive] Unbuilt Matosinhos, currently on display at the Casa da Arquitectura Gallery, this photographic itinerary is the result of a partnership between the Casa da Arquitectura and the IPF.

During the afternoon of the 1st of April, between 14:00 and 18:00, we will tour, in the company of the photographer and photography teacher Sérgio Rolando, three works of architecture that were incomplete in relation to the initial project:

- The Instituto da Água da Região Norte (IAREN), by architect Teresa Fonseca;
- The Cohaemato Housing Cooperative, by architects Jorge Gigante, Francisco Melo, Pedro Mendo and José Gigante;
- The Matosinhos waterfront, by architect Eduardo Souto de Moura.

At each of these sites, a specialist will accompany the participants on an in-depth tour of the history and architecture of the work, touring spaces with restricted public access.
Departing from the Quarteirão da Real Vinícola/Casa da Arquitectura at 2pm, the tour will end at 6pm at the Matosinhos waterfront.

10 euros with transportation included

And bring your camera!
  • Unbuilt Matosinhos Photography Roadmap

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