Access Conditions

- On-site consultation of documentation can only be carried out in the spaces of Casa da Arquitectura (CA) intended for this purpose;
- Whenever the requested document is scanned or in cases of fragility, access to the original documents will not be possible,
except through a duly substantiated written request authorized by a superior;
- For the consultation room it is only allowed to take pencil and notebook for taking notes;
- It is not allowed to photograph, eat or drink in the consultation room;

Working Period

The Archive is open to the general public, by appointment at least 48 hours in advance by telephone 227 669 311 or e-mail [email protected].
Schedule: Wednesday | 10h00-12h30 / 14h00-17h00

Institucional Partner

Institucional Partner

Portuguese contemporary art network

Portuguese contemporary art network



Strategic Partner

Strategic Partner





























Media Partner

Media Partner

Official Transport

Official Transport

Official Photography

Official Photography



Co-founded by

Co-founded by