
The ACA – CASA DA ARQUITECTURA ASSOCIATION (henceforth CA) guaranties the users of this site the respect for their privacy.

The visit to this site, on its own, does not imply the automatic registration of any personal data that identifies the user; however, the use of certain contents or services may imply the providing of personal data by the users.
Namely, supplying data or answering questions is optional, but the not supplying of data or the absence of response has as a consequence the impossibility of submission and of the processing of the request of subscription by the user.
The present privacy policy complies with the Personal Data Protection Act currently in effect.
In case the user has any doubts as well as if he would like to ask any questions related to this matter he can reach the CA through the contacts referred to on point 3.

Collecting and processing of data

The CA is the entity responsible for the collecting and processing of the users personal data.
The personal data collected will be processed and stored digitally by the CA.
The personal data collected is destined to the processing of requests of subscription presented by the users (for instance, for CA “associate” or “friend”) and communication with users (for instance, sending information or newsletter or for purposes of informing or promoting).
The CA can also treat the information provided, anonymously, for statistic purposes.
The personal data collected will be kept up to 36 months after the last contact, or until 3 months after the terminus of the relation of the CA “associate” or “friend” subscriber, so as to allow their identification for the pursuit of collecting purposes or further processing, at the end of which they will be permanently erased.

Right of Access

The right of access, update and correction of their personal data is guarantied to the users, as well as the right to cancel and oppose to data processing, by means of request in person or written letter, addressed to the CA and sent with proof of receipt to:
-E-mail: [email protected]
-Letter: Rua Roberto Ivens, n.º 580, 4450-248 Matosinhos, Portugal.

Security Measures

The CA develops its best efforts to protect personal data of users against unauthorized accesses.
However, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure and secure that the computer he is using is properly protected, for instance, against harmful software and/or computer viruses. Moreover, every time the collecting of data is made in open networks like the internet, the data can circulate with no security conditions, existing the risk of them being intercepted and used by unauthorized third parties.

5.Cookies Web cookies are information packages sent and automatically stored temporarily in the users browser, which allows them to have a better web navigation experience, security, make fundamental tasks of authentication and validation, amongst other things.
In case you want to refuse the use of web cookies, you should reconfigure the browser in conformity or refuse all web cookies; However, if you do so, some parts of the CA website may not function as desired.


The CA reserves itself the right to, at any given moment and with immediate effect, make alterations to the present privacy policy.

Institucional Partner

Institucional Partner

Portuguese contemporary art network

Portuguese contemporary art network



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Official Transport

Official Photography

Official Photography



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