17 to 19 November 2023

Architecture in Context of Emergency: an urgent debate
Casa's 6th anniversary

"Architecture in a Context of Emergency" is the theme that, at the Álvaro Siza Space, will bring together Lígia Nunes, Maria Neto and Pedro Gadanho on Friday 17th from 5.30pm for a conversation, moderated by Miguel Veríssimo, on issues relating to environmental, social and economic sustainability and models for building cities in times of social and environmental crisis with a view to optimising resources and means.
This debate aims to question how moments of crisis or transformation can enhance, challenge and unleash new opportunities for climate transition, mobility and energy efficiency in the territory and cities.
With the support of the Ministry for the Environment and Climate Action, the debate will be accompanied by a video installation in the Luis Ferreira Alves Space dedicated to the theme in question.
Admission is free to both events.

Friday 17 November
17h00 - 17h30

Video Installation Inauguration
Luís Ferreira Alves Space

Debate Architecture in a Context of Emergency
Álvaro Siza Space

Opening Nuno Sampaio
Lígia Nunes, Founder of Architects without Borders - Portugal
Maria Neto, winner of the 2015/16 Távora Prize
Pedro Gadanho, architect and author of the book "Climax Change - How Architecture must transform in the age of ecological emergency".
Miguel Veríssimo, moderator.

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