22 september 2024

Workshop ‘The Body as Map’ with Ana Aragão

Understanding the body as a map. A map made up of ideas, words, drawings and lines arranged in a space. A map that can and should contain emotions, joys, sorrows, accidents. Starting from the body to reach the city and vice versa. We set out to understand the map not as an end, but also as a beginning, a personal narrative that can rarely be transmitted.

In the run-up to the closing of the exhibition ‘City, House, Body - Maps and Language’, the Casa da Arquitectura's Education Service is holding two events on 22 September: a guided tour, the last, of the exhibition by Ana Aragão, starting at 11.00; and a workshop for children aged 6 to 12, accompanied by their parents, starting at 14.30 with the author with the cost of 20 euros.

Entitled ‘The Body as a Map’, the workshop led by Ana Aragão is aimed at children aged between 6 and 12, accompanied by an adult, and is subject to prior enrolment.

Book your place HERE
In the morning, the last opportunity to visit the exhibition ‘City, House, Body - Maps and Language’ with the author of the drawings starts at 11am and is subject to a limit of 25 people. Tickets for the visit can be collected from 10.30am at the Casa da Arquitectura ticket office.
Don't miss this opportunity!

The exhibition ‘City, House, Body’ is on show at the Casa Gallery until 29 September.

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