25 May 2024

Ana Aragão and Gonçalo M. Tavares on show from 25th May

"City, House, Body - Maps and Language" is the title of the exhibition that opens on 25 May at the Casa da Arquitectura Gallery, combining Ana Aragão's drawings with original texts by Gonçalo M. Tavares. The exhibition will be open until 29 September 2024.
The exhibition results from a co-production by Casa da Arquitectura and Atelier Ana Aragão and aims to open up a route of readings between the drawings that interpret the city, by Ana Aragão, and the unpublished stories that the maps tell about the urban space from the pen of Gonçalo M. Tavares.

According to the curatorial text, "From the drawing of the map come the same lines that draw the city, the house and then the body. The line that writes is also the same. This is the journey of the line proposed by two creators, Ana Aragão, in drawing, Gonçalo M. Tavares, in writing. Text within drawing, drawing within text. Maps are ideas, words, drawings, lines placed in a space. But a map is not only a representation of the square metre and the vast world, but also a cartography of pain and contentment, of mishaps and almost sublime moments. Everything can be mapped. Tragedies can be mapped, and so can joys. Everything can end up on a map and the map can initiate everything that is announced on it. The maps of cities, the maps of ideas and of the body - the anatomy that becomes a city through the old zoom of attention, in short, everything - from the smallest to the gigantic - can gain visual and literary space with the joint work of the two authors."

The exhibition opened with a talk on the subject "House, City and Texts" on 25 May, starting at 5pm, at the Álvaro Siza Space, with the participation of Ana Aragão, Gonçalo M. Tavares, Pedro Mexia, Camilo Rebelo and Mariana Sendas (mod.)


Ana Aragão
Porto, 1984
Ana Aragão graduated as an architect from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP, 2009), where she joined the teaching team as a tutor. With an FCT scholarship, she studied for a PhD at the Department of Architecture at the University of Coimbra (2011-2014, not completed).

Some of her recent projects include the exhibitions "My Plan for Japan" (2023, Hillside Forum, Tokyo), "No Plan for Japan" (2021, Museu do Oriente, Lisbon), "Vertical Reclamation of Individual Spaces" (2018, Fundação do Oriente, Macau),
as well as participating as a guest artist in the Italian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2021 and in the Portuguese representation (Homeland) at the 2014 edition of the Venice Biennale. having been named by Luerzer's Archive as one of the "200 Best Illustrators Worldwide"
(2014), she has developed collaborations with the Centro Cultural de Belém, Casa da Memória de Guimarães, among others. Ana Aragão currently devotes herself exclusively to drawing, exploring the theme of urban imagery and architecture on paper. Her hand-drawn interpretation of the urban world brings together the realms of architecture and detail. She has run her own studio in Porto since 2012.

Selection of recent exhibitions and participations
My Plan For Japan
Solo Exhibition
Hillside Forum.
Tokyo, Japan
Vanishing Points
Group Exhibition
Roca London Gallery.
London, United Kingdom.
Group Exhibition
Lisbon, Portugal.
No Plan For Japan
Solo Exhibition
Orient Museum
Lisbon, Portugal
Venice Architecture Biennale
Group Exhibition
Italian Pavilion
Venezia, Italy.
Gallery X
Solo Exhibition
Rectory of the University of Porto.
Porto, Portugal.
Solo Exhibition
National Society of Fine Arts
Lisbon, Portugal.
Vertical Reclamation of Individual Spaces
Solo Exhibition
Ap'arte Contemporary Art Gallery
Porto, Portugal
Imaginary Beings
Solo Exhibition
Taipa Village
Macau, Portugal
Venice Biennale 2014
Venice, Italy
Participation with three illustrations of the Portuguese representation Homeland
Commissioner - Pedro Campos Costa
General commissioner - Rem Koolhaas

Gonçalo M. Tavares
Luanda, 1970.

Gonçalo M. Tavares has published books in different literary genres, translated into around 60 countries. His books have won several awards in Portugal and abroad. Recently, "Le Quartier" (The Neighbourhood) received the prestigious Prix Laure Bataillon 2021, awarded to the best book translated in France, succeeding Nobel laureate Olga Tokarczuk, who received this award in 2019, and Catalan writer Miquel de Palol. "How to Learn to Pray in the Age of Technology" was awarded the Prix du Meuilleur Livre Étranger 2010 (France), a prize previously awarded to Robert Musil, Orhan Pamuk, JohnUpdike, Philip Roth, Gabriel García Márquez, Salman Rushdie, Elias Canetti, among others. She has been a finalist for the Prix Médicis and Pri Femina on several occasions. "A Journey to India" was awarded, among others, the APE Grand Prize for Novels and Novellas 2011. Her books have given rise in different countries to theatre plays, dance, radio plays, short films and visual arts objects, art videos, opera, performances, architectural projects, academic theses, etc.


2021 Prix Laure Bataillon, France.

University of Lisbon Prize

Belas Artes Prize for the best translation of "Margarita Michelena"

Romania Prize - Literature Without Borders

Vergílio Ferreira Prize

José Saramago Prize

Radoje Tatic translation award with "Histórias Falsas"

Inês de Castro Foundation Prize 2012

Prix Littéraire Européen, Étudiants Francophones with "Mr Kraus and Politics"

Special Price of the Jury of the Grand Prix Littéraire du Web Cultura.

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