08 April 2022 to 29 January 2023

Flashback / Carrilho da Graça

The exhibition "Flashback / Carrilho da Graça" curated by Marta Sequeira opened to the public until January 29, 2023.

Based on the collection relating to more than 40 years of work deposited by the architect in Casa da Arquitectura, "Flashback / Carrilho da Graça" allowed to relive the moment of elaboration of several projects represented through drawings, films, models and photographs, to which there are several external references to his work from national and international museums and private collections, inviting the exploration of the architect's creative process. On 8 April, at 9.30 pm, the exhibition “Flashback / Carrilho da Graça” opened to the public. The exhibition, curated by Marta Sequeira, is based on the collection of more than 40 years of work deposited in Casa da Arquitectura.

List of Carrilho da Graça's Works on Display

Fonte Fria House (1985–1988)
Campo Maior Swimming Pool (1982–1990)
School of Communication and Media Studies (1987–1993)
Adaptation and Extension of the Flor da Rosa Monastery (1990–1995)
Knowlege Pavillion (1995–1998/2005–2011)
Santo António Church and São Bartolomeu Social Centre (1993–2008)
Theatre & Auditorium Poitiers (2000–2008)
Pedestrian Bridge over the Carpinteira Stream (2003–2009)
Musealization of the Archaeological Area of Praça Nova do Castelo de São Jorge (2008–2010)
Lisbon Cruise Terminal (2010–2018)

Curatorial Text

In December 2020, the architect João Luís Carrilho da Graça (born 1952, Portalegre) moved his studio to a new space on Rua de Santo António à Estrela, Lisbon. Previously, he had been occupying intensely for more than 40 years in two large apartments in a building on Calçada Marquês de Abrantes, also in Lisbon. Every time he started a project, he stripped the walls of one of the apartments’ rooms. It was not only drawings that were born from that inaugural, aseptic and foundational moment, but also huge models that, seeming to aspire to attain the work’s full scale, would completely fill the studio’s space. These three-dimensional models were then surrounded by the various references — often external to the discipline of architecture — that fed into his production.
Like the worktables of Carrilho da Graça’s studio, the horizontal surfaces that constitute the scenography of this first retrospective of the architect’s work bear various traces that illuminate some of its conceptual foundations. This exhibition allows the visitor to relive the moments in which ten projects were elaborated, ranging from the Lisbon Cruise Terminal (2010–2018) to the Fonte Fria House (1985–1988). These projects are represented here through drawings, models and photographs belonging to the Carrilho da Graça Collection, recently deposited in the Casa da Arquitectura, as well as through a set of films specifically prepared for this exhibition by André Cepeda, Catarina Mourão and Tiago Casanova, and another film by Salomé Lamas, which depict the constructed works.
Carrilho da Graça believes that all disciplines work on the same kind of concerns, and that from each discipline, and from its tools, it is possible to reach similar conclusions and discoveries. Therefore, texts, drawings, models, paintings, sculptures and films produced in other contexts by other authors and artists are presented here — from Julião Sarmento’s Blue, Red, Yellow (2019) to Kazimir Malevich’s Architectone: Alpha (1923). These references, coming from Carrilho da Graça’s private collection as well as from several national and international museums and private collections, are gathered together here for the first time, creating a kind of embodiment of the architect’s creative process. The synchronous presentation of works and references allows comparative readings and relationships of great intensity, some strategically calculated, others deliberately unforeseen.
The title Flashback naturally relates to the exhibition’s anthological character, but summing up Carrilho da Graça's work forms at the same time a suite of instrumental alliances for the future of architecture. In addition to preserving the presence of what has been done, this exhibition contains a promise of all that is yet to be done. On arriving at the end of the exhibition’s route and then following it back to its beginning, we will be, as in the title of Lawrence Weiner’s book, “WITHIN FORWARD MOTION”.

More info here.

Related Events

Debate Flashback 2022 - 1977 (09 Apr. '22)
Debate Constructivism Revisited (28 May '22)
Conference Carrilho da Graça "Within Forward Motion" (28 Jan '23)

Audio Files

Spot Antena 1

Virtual visit

Look Credits

  • Technical Details 


    Organization and Production
    Casa da Arquitectura

    General Commisioner
    Nuno Sampaio

    Marta Sequeira

    Exhibition Project
    João Luis Carrilho da Graça
    Inês Lobo

    João Rosário
    João Vaz
    Hugo Lima
    Afonso Sobrinho
    João Bernardo Gomes
    João Couvreur
    Desenho Gráfico
    Atelier Pedro Falcão
    Carrilho da Graça, Arquitectos
    Francisco Freire (Coordenação Conteúdos Expositivos)
    Rita Faustino (Fundraising)

    Carla Barros (Coord.)
    Júlio Senra
    Ana Pinto
    Manuel Gonçalves
    Filipe Silva

    Archival Treatment and Assenbly of Original Contents
    José Fonseca (Coord.)
    Alice Lopes
    Gilson Fernandes
    Rute Sequeira

    Image and Communication
    Margarida Portugal
    Filipa Guimarães
    Joana de Belém
    José Pereira
    Pedro Rocha

    Fundraising and Partnerships
    Margarida Matos (Coord.)

    Systems and Technologies
    Paulo Silva

    Logistics, Maintenance and Works
    Liliana Taveira

    Educational Service

    Filipa Godinho (Coord.)
    Alice Marques


    Models and Drawings
    João Luís Carrilho da Graça's Collection / Casa da Arquitectura
    Casa da Arquitectura Collection

    Projects Films
    André Cepeda
    Catarina Mourão
    Salomé Lamas
    Tiago Casanova

    Paulo Barreto (Coord.)
    Flávio Bastos (Coord.)
    António Galvão
    Cristina Reis
    Diogo Ferreira
    Emanuele Moro
    Fabio Bonaventura
    Filipe Homem
    Filipe Louraço
    Gabriela Horta
    Guilherme Vieira
    Hugo Lima
    Inês Vaz
    João Aragão
    João Centeno
    João Cruz
    João Gomes
    José António Pereira
    Margarida Belo
    Maria Arez
    Nuno Matos
    Ricardo Zavrichi
    Simão Martins
    Vanda Neto
    Vicente Mateus
    Tratamento Gráfico de Desenhos
    Hugo Lima
    João Bernardo
    Nuno Pinto

    Content Concession
    Arquivo Escola Superior
    de Comunicação Social
    Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
    Centre Pompidou Paris,
    Musée National d’Art Moderne –
    Centre de Création Industrielle
    Coleção Giancarlo Rossi
    Coleção João Luís Carrilho da Graça
    Coleção Julião Sarmento
    Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia
    Museu Coleção Berardo
    Museu Nacional de História
    Natural e da Ciência, ULisboa


    Text Revision
    Carina Correia

    Transportation Art Works

    MDS Seguros


    Exhibition Support
    Artworks | Ecosteel S.A. 

    Vinyl Sticker


    Audiovisual Infrastructures
    Luz e Som


    Bruno Mendes
    Emanuel Pereira



    Especially, to João Luis Carrilho da Graça

    To all that provided contents and contributed wih 
    generosity to this exhibition

    José Paulo Fernandes
    José Maria Ferreira
    João Gomes da Silva
    Fátima Ferreira
    Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa
    Câmara Municipal de Campo Maior
    Câmara Municipal da Covilhã
    Castelo de São Jorge
    Escola Superior de
    Comunicação Social
    Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives
    Paróquia da Sé de Portalegre
    Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Centro Ciência Viva
    Pousada Mosteiro do Crato
    Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers



    Executive Commisson
    José Manuel Dias da Fonseca

    Executive Director
    Nuno Sampaio

    Joaquim Mendes Pinto

    Board Vogals
    Carlos Guimarães
    Cláudia Soutinho
    Gonçalo Medeiros


    Executive Director and General Commisioner
    Nuno Sampaio

    Board's Assistance and International Relations
    Ana Pinto

    Systems ans Technologies
    Paulo Silva (Coord.)

    Activities and Contents
    Carla Barros (Coord.)
    Filipe Silva
    Júlio Senra
    Manuel Gonçalves

    Archive and Studies and Documentation Centre
    José Fonseca (Coord.)
    Alice Lopes
    Débora Matouças
    Gilson Fernandes
    Rute Sequeira

    Comunication and Marketing
    Nuno Sampaio (Coord.)
    Press and Social Networks
    Joana de Belém
    Margarida Portugal
    Audiovisual Contents
    Pedro Rocha
    Image and Design
    José Pereira
    Digital Building
    Filipa Guimarães

    Soraia Lebre (Coord.)
    Human Resources
    Mafalda Costa
    Joana Costa
    Joana Ferreira
    Associates and Friends
    Natacha Mota
    Logistics, Maintenance and Works
    Liliana Taveira

    Comercial e Fundraising
    Margarida Matos (Coord.)
    Carla Sousa
    Joana Correia
    Rita Pinto

    Educational Service
    Filipa Godinho (Coord.)
    Production and Visits
    Alice Marques
    Assistents and Monitors
    Rita Alves
    Ticket Office and Reception
    Inês Lourenço
    Sónia Alves

Digital Media



Making of

Making of

Santo António Church

Santo António Church

Campo Maior Swimming Pool

Campo Maior Swimming Pool

Teaser Bridge

Teaser Bridge

Castle Teaser

Castle Teaser

Swimming Pool Teaser

Swimming Pool Teaser

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Portuguese contemporary art network



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