Online Workshops

These workshops are guided in a video call room with the support of class teachers. The materials and contents are prepared in advance with the support of the ES team at Casa da Arquitectura. Other workshops in the programme can be adapted to this format upon personalized request.
The Achistructures workshop arises from the Annual Programme of Casa workshops, and the Risk and Draw workshops arise from a larger project that includes activity notebooks and you can learn more about it here.

This workshop intends to explore the modular construction of objects based on the logical-mathematical thinking of geometric structures. Through the sum of elements, we will create structures, geometries, shapes, patterns and plans. The result will be a complex object, composed of lines, surfaces and drawings that can be thought of as a model of a building. What would be the size of a person living in it? Where could it be installed? This is an experience of creative freedom that promises to surprise authors with the final result!
Recommended Public: 1º / 2º / 3º cycle | 1h30

Paper is not just for drawing or writing. And if we make volumes with it? Houses, tunnels, mountains – what do the shapes remind you of?
Let's explore geometries and create places to play. Pretend that everything could be something else, are you ready to imagine?

Recommended Public: pre-school | 3 to 6 years old | 1h

Imagine you are a superhero and your superpower is flying. What will the world look like from above? Join this imaginative journey with activities that make you a super-architect!

Recommended Public: 1º cycle | 6 to 10 years old | 1h

In this workshop we are going to deal with improvisation. Between points, lines and plans, let's risk looking from various points of view, jumping from 2D to 3D in constructions that could surprise us! What is your plan? Take the risk!

Recommended Public: 2º cycle | 10 to 12 years old | 1h

Time schedule: Monday to Friday | 10 am to 5 pm
Max: 25 students per class
Schools / sociocultural associations: 50€ p/ class

  • © Casa da Arquitectura

Expanded House

The world is constantly changing and the demands it presents to us vary. If, on the one hand, we are all faced with the speed with which it can make us change routines, behaviours, habits, on the other hand, we have also come to understand the liberating potential that new technologies have brought. Through them, we overcome physical obstacles and reach opposite places in the world in moments, communicate globally, see, talk and share encounter experiences through screens and audio. The year 2020 reminded us of the importance of getting closer, of keeping in touch, and showed us how simple and rewarding it can be.
In a desire to overcome the physical barriers of Casa da Arquitectura towards everyone who wants to develop activities with us, the CA ES presents the Expanded House project. It organizes a set of proposals that seek to broaden CA's field of action, bringing a wide range of activities to everyone, everywhere and in different ways. This project adapts to the needs of each school/association/institution and proposes the development of visits and workshops either through online mediation, or in person in schools/institutions, or even by training educators/teachers and parents to guide the activities supported.

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