Culture Minister announces support to Casa da Arquitectura
This partnership has the goal to promote Portuguese contemporary architecture, and so the Ministry is willing to “support the activities developed by Casa da Arquitectura between 2019 and 2020”, affirmed the Minister during the ceremony. These activities include not only the preventive and archival treatment of collections (national and international), but also the promotion and public divulgation of architecture and exhibitions.
The protocol today celebrated between the State and Casa da Arquitectura, allows this institution to do during a year, “a set of well-defined activities” having as a counterpart a State financial support of 250 thousand euros.
“Architecture is the only activity that is present in every moment of our daily routine. The State being a partner of Casa da Arquitectura is something that made all sense”, explained the Culture Minister.
Graça Fonseca said that in the future, the goal is to expand the State participation in Casa da Arquitectura, to other activity areas – besides Culture – as Science, Colleges and Economy.
“In the end of the first effective year, we will make an evaluation, having as a Government idea to renew the next years”, underlined Graça Fonseca.
Nuno Sampaio, executive director of Casa da Arquitetcura, congratulates himself with "this first step of recognition by the State of the work of CA and the importance of architecture, as it was recognized by the Prime Minister, António Costa, in CA's inauguration, in November 2017".
The City Hall President remembered that, since the beginning, “Casa da Arquitectura’s project transcends the city of Matosinhos scope, the region and even the country”. “The autarchy has been supporting since the beginning, but we would hope this day would come and State would be our partner. Now we would like to encourage the national and regional private companies to give its contribute in the valorisation of this very ambitious project”, said Luísa Salgueiro.
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