Open House Porto with more than 31 000 visits

The Cruise Terminal was again, for the third time, the space that aroused the most curiosity, with 5 553 visits, followed by the Monastery of Serra do Pilar (2 673), Casa da Arquitectura / Real Vinícola (1 969), the Altice Tour( 1 912), the Porto City Hall (1 196) and Clube Fenianos Portuenses (1 125).
This programme dedicated to industrial architecture “reflected the desire to show spaces linked to the work activity, a way to also counteract the stigmatization of industry, demonstrating its role in the development of the city”, says Nuno Sampaio, executive director of Casa da Arquitectura – Portuguese Centre for Architecture, producer and organizer of the event.
The Executive Director of CA also points out that this Open House “demonstrated the maturity that the event gained in the balance between organizational experience and the quality and diversity of the programme offered, with excellent content, a set of complementary activities to the visits outlined by the Educational Service of the CA, and longer opening hours”.
More than 700 people were involved in organizing this edition. It is impossible not to mention the work of the 270 volunteers, as well as more than 100 architects and specialists and more than 260 representatives of the spaces, not to mention the Casa da Arquitectura team and the photographers and designers who recorded the spaces in images.
“This was a consolidation OHP, having reached the number of 65 spaces that are not intended to increase”, says Nuno Sampaio, director of Casa da Arquitectura. This was the first Open House with the CA structure already completed and in operation, also installed in an old industrial space rescued from ruin and now dedicated to the promotion of architecture.
Among the industrial spaces, the most visited were the Caves Cockburn's (613 visitors), Super Bock Casa da Cerveja (465) and the Silos de Leixões (452). The housing projects continue to be a highly sought-after programme. At the top of the number of visits was the Casa on Rua do Paraíso (606), followed by Quatro Casas (484) and Casa do João (386).
Nuno Sampaio greets the CA team in a special way, reinforcing his gratitude to the municipalities of Matosinhos, Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia and all the partners involved, as well as the curators of this edition, Inês Moreira and João Paulo Rapagão.
CA thanks everyone who participated!
  • 4th Edition Open House Porto © Ivo Tavares

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