Exhibition "Souto de Moura - Memory, Projects, Works" travels to Brazil

An adapted version of the exhibition "Souto de Moura - Memory, Projects, Works", which was on show at Casa da Arquitectura between October 2019 and March 2021 and was visited by 34,000 people, opens on 22 March in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The show in Portugal was the first reading extracted from the enormous collection that the architect deposited at the Casa da Arquitectura in May 2019.

The presentation of the exhibition "Souto de Moura - Memory, Projects, Works" in Rio de Janeiro is an initiative of the Portuguese Embassy in Brazil and the Camões Institute in Brasilia, in partnership with Casa da Arquitectura - Portuguese Centre for Architecture, with the sponsorship of GALP.
The exhibition, organized around eight projects, will highlight a set of elements of relevant works for the understanding of the work and the method of Souto de Moura in its various aspects. Drawings, personal notes, photographic material, photographs of models and other documents will be presented strictly as they appear in the Archive, without manipulation or omission.

Taking advantage of the exhibition's itinerancy and at the invitation of the Camões Institute in Brasília, the Brazilian Council of Architecture and Urbanism will promote a parallel programme to amplify the debate on Souto de Moura's work and the importance of preserving architectural collections.

Participating in this programme are the CAU of Rio de Janeiro, the national Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB) and its Rio de Janeiro department, and the Institute of National Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN).

There will be three debates: the first, on March 22 itself, will have the theme "Memory". The second, dedicated to the topic "Projects" will take place on 5 April and the last one, on the topic "works", will take place on 19 May. All the debates will take place at the Paço Imperial, in Rio de Janeiro, where the exhibition will be open.
  • © Ivo Tavares

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