
The project "ESCOLAS: Complexidade e Interpretação" (Schools: complexity and Interpretation) pretends to re-visit and discuss the importance of architectural intervention in highschools, using a speech that will promote knowledge itself, having as a base the work mode in architecture field, involving the political, teaching and social dimensions. Through interpretation experiments and consciousness processes, we hope to develop the qualities in method in this kind of intervention to other programmatic areas.
The principal reflexion and diffusion actions are developed in four moments: a Conference Cycle, taking place at FAUP (January to June 2019), a Conversation Cycle, taking place at Casa da Arquitectura (October 2019 to January 2020), an Exhibition at FAUP (January to march 2020), and finally a Book edition (middle 2020).
While the Conference Circle focus on paradigmatic project examples, the Conversation Cycle aims to debate architecture with a wide interdisciplinary vision, relating other areas.
All the school buildings that are a reference in this universe will be represented in the Book and Exhibition organization. As a "bigger sense", the Book will integrate and expose the reflexions of the different areas, as a resume and "unity" of the plurality qualities, common in Architecture's "way of doing".

Conversation Cycle | Casa da Arquitectura (Tanoaria Space)

October 30 2019 (Wednesday), 6pm

November 2 2019 (Wednesday), 6pm

29 January 2020 (Wednesday), 6pm

Sponsor: Forbo-Revestimentos, SA


  • © André Santos

  • © André Santos

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