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2022/2024 Programme
Casa da Arquitectura Education Service

Whatever the question, Nature has the answer.
"Biophilia is a passionate love for life and for all that is alive."
Erich Fromm, 1964

Human beings have lived on Earth for about 200,000 years. In its evolutionary process, the practice of agriculture dates back 16 thousand years and the emergence of the first cities 6 thousand years ago. With this data we conclude that 92% of human history has been spent in natural environments, making urban life a recent phenomenon, with sudden, intensive growth, especially in the last 70 years.
Studies predict that by 2050, 68% of the planet will be urbanised.

What does this mean?

After thousands of years in direct contact with Nature, today we find in cities a way of life that is based on productivity, in a society that insistently seeks new ways to help support its increasingly accumulative fatigue. If it is important to understand how we got here, it is even more important to understand how we can change the direction of this course.
The WHO has announced that anxiety affects one in 25 people worldwide. Looking only at Europe, the data shows that depression affects around 50 million people, being the most prevalent health problem among its countries.
The conclusion, we venture, can only be one: we need Nature.

Can architecture help?

Our world faces its greatest environmental crisis ever. At a glance we would say that we have forgotten to take care of ourselves to the same extent that we have forgotten to take care of the planet where we live, our home, shared with so many billions of other living beings. How can we rescue the harmony of living lightly and happily in a habitat that gives us, on a daily basis, everything we need?

Architecture is, as we all know, one of the great engines of territorial occupation of the world. With it we enlarge our footprint and through it we define ways of living, thinking, being, relating, acting.
Architecture defines points of opening and separation, what includes and what excludes, recreating worlds, reinventing rules, proposing new systems and programmes of relationship between humans, other living beings and the surrounding environment.

In short, we can say that all human creations have at their genesis the observation of Nature. Nature is at the beginning of every idea and creation, and is always the end , receiving everything that is done. If we look carefully, we find in the natural environment solutions and inspirations that we can adopt, sometimes imitating strategies (camouflage, defence, attack, construction), sometimes learning from behaviour, from cause-effect relationships, and from the infinite adaptations of species on the road to survival. There is an open school around us, inside and outside of us, from which we want to learn.

This programme is a reflection of our concerns, desires and urgencies: we want to raise awareness of the importance of putting the environment at the centre of our issues, and we believe that architecture can play a major role.
So, from 3 to 18 years old, we propose a set of recreational-pedagogical workshops that, on their various fronts, promise to work on issues related to this great theme: BIOPHILIA.

And because this theme is not limited to schools, we have created a set of short and medium duration courses and workshops that will complement the nuclear proposals in a multidisciplinary constellation, aimed at a wide variety of audiences.

"Can we save the planet?", asks the title of one of our workshops. Biophilia answers.


    Presencial Workshop

    The environmental crisis is a real problem that puts life on Earth at risk. Today, countless cities are working tirelessly towards self-sustainable and ecological solutions, trying for a final reconciliation with Nature. But how? The answer is biophilic cities. Making room for Nature implies welcoming it inside and outside the home, truly living in it and with it, in a synergy between Man and the ecosystem. In this workshop we will connect with natural elements and dream of biointegrated, ecomimetic and eco-centred built environments.

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    Presential workshop

    Does it seem easy to draw a tree? To draw it is fundamental to know how to look and, above all, to understand what you see. Is there a logic in the way they grow? In Nature nothing happens by chance, it is the master of the most complex systems. In this workshop we will analyze fractal geometry and try to identify it in everyday life. If you master the rules, you will master the game!

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    Presential workshop

    Nature is the primordial origin of all human ideas and inventions. Overshadowed by the fascination of digital technologies, it is more important than ever to find the time to stop and relearn how to observe it, discovering the answers that are found in it. Here, we will use technology to see, analyze, and create better. Let's surrender to the best architect of all?

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    Online Workshop

    In this workshop, we will travel among images, geometries, and inventions. We have all touched the leaves of many trees, but have we ever looked at them with true attention? Starting from the observation of these natural elements, we will extract useful and inspiring information and imagine possible applications of these geometries in our lives. Macro, micro, nano - at every scale a world opens up.

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Information and Appointments:
[email protected]
[email protected]
+351 227 669 316
(Monday to Friday, between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm)

- Tuesday to Saturday
- 10:30 to 18:00

Duration of the activities and Prices:
- workshops at Casa da Arquitectura: 1h30, 3€ p/participant.
- online workshop: 2€ p/participant / minimum 40€ per class
- workshops at schools: 1h30, 3€ p/participant*.
* going to schools requires a minimum booking of two consecutive workshops
- guided tours to exhibitions: 1h00, 2,5€ p/participant
- workshop-visits (visits with associated practical activity, about the exhibitions on show): 1h30, 3€ p/participant.

Booking Conditions:
- booking requests via form
- bookings must be made at least five days in advance
- minimum of 10 students per group
- maximum of 24 students per group
- for each group of students the presence of a responsible adult is mandatory (one free accompanying person per group)
- free cancellations up to 48 hours in advance
- cancellations less than 48h before the start of the activity must pay the equivalent of 10 participants for each activity cancelled.
- conditions subject to change according to DGS guidelines

Institutional Partner

Portuguese Republic - Ministry of Culture (Portuguese: Ministério da Cultura)

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Portuguese contemporary art network



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